Saturday, July 08, 2006



This blog seems to have gone into oblivion recently. Updates have been long overdue and while I have been updating my other blog (Waking Life), I don't know why I never bothered to post here. Anyways, first thing's first.

We finally decided on our final year project (and belive me, it was quite a decision). We chose to go for a Roverbot (a robotic rover vehicle ), much like the Mars Rover except a hell of a lot simpler. The title of the project reads 'Autonomous Roverbot using Scene Analysis'. This means we're going to mount a tiny wireless camera on the roverbot and use it to perform scene analysis. Scene Analysis involves image processing and it could be used to achieve a lot of different objectives like Object Detection, Tracking to name a few.

The idea is to modify a remote-controlled toy car and interface the remote with the computer and develop a software that can communicate with the car using this interface. This is just the communications bit, there will be a separate software module which will process images and issue commands to the vehicle. It's an exciting project indeed and we will be using tools such as Matlab and Intel's OpenCV to get it done. More on it later.

I wish you Godspeed :)

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